Single Parents
Single Parents Make Up Nearly 1/3 of All Parents
Single Parent households are defined as families where only one adult and at least one child between birth and 17 years of age live together. In recent decades, the prevalence of single-parent households has dramatically increased across all income groups, from the very poor to the affluent.. The number of children in these homes has also increased, in fact doubling in the past 50 years. There are post divorce single parents, women who had a child in their teenage years, and an increasing number of both women and men who purposely chose single parenthood through adoption, donor insemination, or by raising a child who has been conceived in an uncommitted relationship.
Source: The expanding family life cycle: Individual, family, and social perspectives (5th ed.).

Feel Like There Is Too Much To Do?
Studies show single parents most in need of help are the ones who do not receive it. Over-stretched single parents often feel the help they seek is just one more time-consuming burden. Our seminars can help you manage priorities and increase single family home harmony. You can’t afford not to attend.
Single Parent Seminar
Marriage Works recognizes how difficult it can be being a single parent. The loss of one parent brings unique challenges to the single parent family. The challenge of emotional and task overload as one parent does the job of two and the ability to provide children the emotional support network they need to thrive can be taxing. Other unique struggles may include navigating public assistance, conflicts with the other parent, dating with kids, and how to maintain a household with a single income family. Whether you are a new single parent or need tips and tricks from our experts, our single parent seminars can help you navigate this phase in your life.