About Us

Marriage Works of Maryland is a faith-based coalition made of leaders from business, government and faith-based and civic organizations. Our purpose is to strengthen marriages and keep families together. We strive to help those who are single, engaged, married, divorced or married again, to have peaceful, joy-filled relationships.

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Goals of Marriage Works
- To promote happy, healthy marriages and families
- To champion the benefits of marriage
- To reduce the divorce rate in the region
- To prepare youth and singles for healthy relationships and marriage
- To encourage and provide premarital and marital counseling
- To reduce out-of-wedlock births

Who We Serve:
Marriage Works Supports Marriages in All Stages of Life

Single Parents
Marriage Works focuses on future marriages not past mistakes. We can provide information on what to look for in a new spouse and how to sustain a healthy marriage.

75% of divorced people remarry within four years of their divorce but second marriages have a high failure rate. Our training improves odds of a successful re-marriage.

Blended Family
His, hers, ours, and someone elses. Blended families have special challenges. Marriage Works can help blended families navigate those challenges

Empty Nesters
When the kids leave home it is time to rediscover yourself and strengthen your marriage. Marriage Works can help you define this new chapter in your marriage.

Marriage works wants to help prepare you for your coming marriage through premarital training. While you're looking we can help you discover yourself and what you want in a future spouse.

No matter if you are newly married or not, Marriage Works offers training and counseling that can help you through difficult times or just give your marriage the tune up it needs.